Monday, March 4, 2013

International Women’s Day

On the occassion of 8 March
International Women’s Day
Let us rise against capitalism!
Despite more than a century of mass and radical struggles against women’s suppression, millions of women in the world are still subjected to gender discrimination; state, religious and family violence. Millions of women, especially in countries under Islamic rule are systematically and violently suppressed by the state. Women are also victims of so called “domestic” violence by their husbands, brothers and relatives. The medieval criminal act of honor killings is still prevalent. The expansion and empowerment of political Islam and religious movements has given another devastating dimension to women’s situation.
Women’s suppression is an old ideological system and cultural practice. However, capitalism has adapted fully with this system for its own interests and it gains from it. Women are slaves under capitalism and are killed in unsafe work places. They are exploited in all corners of the world as cheap labour to produce more profit for capital. All commodities, from designer clothes, computers, mobiles to toys etc are produced by women with no rights.
If after a century of struggle for freedom and equality, women’s situation is still devastating; if women are exploited in work places; if one in 3 women are subject to domestic violence; if the thugs of capital throw acid on women workers to silence them; if the right-wing ideologues try to convince women that during economic crisis their natural place is in the house; if rape is still used as a tool to make the enemy to surrender; if a new system of sexual slavery is on the rise; it can only prove the fact that capitalism still needs women’s suppression and male chauvinism.
The capitalist system is the root of downtrodden position of women in the 21 century. A system that is driven by profit and exploitation of waged labour. Gender suppression is one of the most despicable and cruelest form of suppression in the capitalist society. In some corners of the world the dimensions of this cruelty is beyond words: burying girl foetuses, honor killings, throwing of acid on “disobedient” women, Islamic hijab and condemning millions of women to endure the hell created by Islamic laws and regulations under gender apartheid. Although these criminal acts are the doings of religious ideology, but they ARE being carried out under capitalist system and are maintained and consolidated by the system.
Suppression, oppression and wage slavery are not the only faces of the situation of women in today’s society. It is only one side of the coin. The other side comprises of a massive and radical movement to challenge and change the situation for freedom and equality. The contemporary history has witnessed very important and determining moments in mass movements for women’s liberation. Today is one of those moments. There is a growing radical women’s liberation movement emerging in part of the Middle East and North Africa against women’s suppression and Islam. In Iran, since 1979 a new wave of women’s liberation movement has been active. This movement was, from day one of coming to power of Islamic regime, against the rule of Islam. The Islamic regime, despite more then 30 years of suppression against women, despite trying to impose its Islamic values in the society, has not managed to push women back. Women’s liberation movement is still fighting for women’s rights. It has even gained more momentum following the mass uprisings in the region. In particular, a mass movement has taken shape against Islamism and women’s suppression in Egypt and Tunisia. Women’s liberation movement in Iran and the region is the voice of freedom, equality and prosperity for today’s human beings.
Worker-communist Party - Hekmatist is part of the struggle for the unconditional freedom of women and the real equality of men and women in all aspects of society. It is part of our struggle for a better world. The complete freedom and equality of women and men is only possible by abolishing the capitalist system and establishing socialism. On 8 March 
let us all rise against capitalism. Join our ranks.

Unconditional equality of women and men NOW!
Down with gender apartheid!
Long Live Socialism!

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